How to Succeed in Snail farming business in Nigeria.

Giant Africa Land Snails is one of the most delicious and most nutritious meat in the world. The soft, delicious and mouth watering Snailecious, peppered snail, snail peppersoup, Snail suya, snail in Efo riro, Snail in Egusi soup, to mention a few, always leaves you with a lifetime memory of snail delicacies
 Infact, nutritionist and Dietitian that worked on proximate and mineral constitute of snail meat obtained an interesting results that snail meat is loaded with plenty bionutrients. The  edible  portion  has the following nutritional value  88.37%  protein,  calcium,  magnesium,  zinc,  iron,  with  very  low  fat content ( Aboua,  F.,  1995) Its  protein  contains  all  the  essential  amino  acids  such  as  lysine,  leucine,  isoleucine  and phenylalanine  which  are  needed  by  the  body  for  its  metabolic  activities (Adeola etal., 2010).
it  could  be  said  that  snails  are  an  excellent source  of  minerals  and  thus  recommended  for  growing  babies,  teenagers,  pregnant,  and  lactating  women.  It  is  also recommended  for  use  by  people  suffering  from  diabetes  and  hypertension  and  generally  for  people  who  would  want to  maintain  good  health.  In  addition,  snail  meat  can  be  used  to  develop  complementary  foods  for  children  under  5 years  to  prevent  rickets,  iron  deficiency  anaemia,  and  protein  energy  malnutrition.  The  consumption  of  snail  meat can  help  prevent  postpartum  haemorrhage,  night  blindness,  osteoporosis,  hypophosphatemia  and  can  increase  high density  lipoprotein. (Engman etal., 2013)

Another interesting thing about snail is virtually every part of Snail is useful and can make money for you. The snail blood know as heamolymph is used in treating conditions like Diabetes, Hypertension, Stroke, Athsma  and weight reduction. A 25mls bottle sells  for N500.
The snail shell is made up of calcium and is a very excellent source of calcium for Layers hen and livestock.
The snail slime is excellent for skin care and can be mixed with Ori (sheabutter) to treat burns and beautify and smooth skin, it’s officially incorporated into skin care and lotion in US and China. Almost every part of Snail make money for you!

 Archachantina Maginata which is the highest selling Snail in Nigeria because of their big size and faster growth rate can lay up to 15 eggs in a bunch and can lay up to 3 times a year depending on the feeding and living conditions. For a starting stock of 200 A.M. that lays 45  eggs a year as obtained in our farms. Let’s do the calculations.
200 X 45 = 9000 snails in 12 months.
With our farm systems of rearing snails, domesticated A.M start laying eggs in 8 months and reach table size in 12 months with proper feeding and supplements. So the second year, your farm population will look like:
200 X 45 = 9000
9000 X 45 = 405,000
Total Snail at 24 months = 414,000
Worse case scenario at death rate of 20% will still leaves you with 331,000 snail.
If you sell them at a give away price of N 200 for a 500g snail you make 331,000 X 200 = DO THE CALCULATION Yourself!
The true market price is a 500g AM is not less than 450 naira and may be higher during dry season.
HOWEVER YOU MAY NOT GET this result if you are not well trained.

Compared to poultry and livestock farming, snail feeds are very cheap. They eat the fruit and vegetables that comes out periodically. All you need is proper planning of what you feed them. Snail eat different fruits and vegetables, Cucumber, carrot, Plantain, banana, pineapple peels, Mangoes, cabbage Leaves ( the ones that Abokis throw away), lettuce, Pawpaw fruits and peels ripe and unripe ( their highest growth inducing fruit), morninga leaves, water Mellon just to mention a few. No matter the number of your snails they will get all year round food supply with proper planning.
Some people claim to use Formulated feeds in enhancing snail growth. I only encourage the use of these in area where fruits and vegetables is rare and expensive, because Formulated feeds sometimes cause higher mortality rate in snail Farm according to my practical observation and experience.

From my years of experience as a snail farmer and trainer, I have met several people who were interested in Snail rearing, however almost 90% of them failed and quit along they way because they found out that their snail keep dying everyday. Most of them always see a dead snail on daily basis and within a short period, almost all their Snails died and were forced to kill and eat the remaining ones and quit. This should not be so!
To rear Snail is very easy, however just like in almost all business ventures, proper education and training is very important to succeed in Snail farming. Those that succeed are those that learn from reliable farmers and not from arm chair farmers who collected theoretical information from journals and package them into e-books and sell, without actual practical experience. Just like I do tell my students at SUPER SNAIL Affairs, Practical experience is very important to limit failure and earn success.

For fresh graduates and unemployed that really want to make it big in Snail farming, I always encouraged mixing snail farming with small scale poultry/livestock farming to bridge the gap of “waiting period” which you must patiently passed through in snail farming. You will be making short term cash through other ventures while waiting for your Snail to mature to table sizes.
To be frank with you, if you have no other job,  the waiting period is tough! You will need a good plan on how to navigate the rough water, but if I did it, you can do it too!!!

 Apart from feeding, the type of House or snail pen you use in rearing snail is very important and will determine how successful your farm will be. The type of Snail pens we are successfully using are.
1. Used tyres
2. Wooden boxes ( with PVC fittings to ensure it last and cool)
3. Metal boxes with basket net fittings
4. Closed Concrete pen with mosquito nets/basket net fittings
5. Opened concrete pens with PVC material as crevices and wiremesh enclosure plus tree shades.
6. Free range with  palm trees/banana/Plantain trees shades plus concrete blocks crevices
7. Free range with Mornings trees shades plus narrow concrete pen  crevices.
All the above snail house models worked perfectly in our various farms in Nigeria and other parts of the World and the results has been very  good so far.
Note this: Your LOCATION will determine the type of pen you will choose.
If your location is In area with high rainfall and lower temperature typical of the Southern Nigeria, pen model 5, 6 and 7 produces very good results. While  some people that passed through my training that uses model 1,2 and 3 complained of recorded deaths due to fruit flies invasion, this is due to high air moisture associated with the climate in those areas which encourages fruits files. Timely removal of uneaten foods reduced the fruits flies attacks. Pen model 4 although worked well in these area but some of my team members complain of high loss of juveniles and eggs due to  frequent flooding during high raining season. However indoor nursery pens for eggs and hatching may reduce the loss, but care must be taking during transfer of eggs to ensure  higher hatching rate
For those of you located In Middle belt region of Nigeria, almost all the pen model produces  very good results however, there will be need for standby irrigation water supply during dry season and hot weather. With Pen model 7, Cases of long snail aestivation is been observed during November to January harmattan period because of the dry air and low  moisture coupled with the leaves shedding of Mornings tree shades 
In Northern Nigeria pen model 1-3 is most suitable for you because you will be able to control the soil moisture level by constant wetting with water. Other pen models are not suitable.
Thank you.


  1. Hello,

    If you want to go into snail farm business, There are so many company website this days like that will enable you as a beginner to raise the fund you need to start up your snail farm business without you seeking for a loan.

    This company is where many business dealers from all over the world generate fund that backup their various businesses financially.

    I used this company to backup my cocoa beans export business each time my business is running down.

    You can visit and register with the company website here to raise the fund you need now to go start your snail farm business now.


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