Snail farming. A profitable Business Venture.
Snail meat is one of the most popular delicacies in Nigeria & also has a high exporting value abroad especially in the UK. A colleague of mine started this business after she narrated to me how she bought 3 matured snails to eat for a whooping amount of 10 pounds (almost 5000 naira) in a market in the UK. This high demand of snails especially in the UK has given us (Éternel farms) and other serious Snail farmers an automatic market to sell our matured snails. The importance of snail meat cannot be over emphasised as it contains all essential amino-acids such as lysine, methionine,etc. And also contains low fat content and low cholesterol levels which makes it a good antidote for fat related diseases such as hypertension, etc. ECONOMIES OF SNAIL PRODUCTION * Snail farming amongst other Agricultural practices requires less capital & space * Snail feed is one of the cheapest & it can be locally sourced, making it poss...