
Think wisely

Every successful person is a thinker, as thinking is the principal tool for planning. Every tower builder must first be a thinker. Every star is a thinker. Sit down and plan your life! Think Snail farming Today. Call us for Supply of Snails in Large Quantity.  At Mikky Snail farms, We lead others Follow. Call or Whatsapp 07032554633


Snails have many enemies. These include termites, soldier ants, frogs, toads, rats, snail eating birds, lizards, and larvae of some beetles. Common salt is also poisonous to snails. Over crowding is a serious cause of mortality in snail pens. When too many snails are crowded in a pen, they produce undesirable secretion which is observed to reduce their productivity.  To remedy these; *Examine the pen fence regularly and mend any openings. *Use materials that keep out pests from your fence. *Maintain the right stocking density in you pen. *Keep away poisonous chemicals like common salt. Better profit for all Snail Farmers.  For more details or enquiry don't hesitate to call or Whatsapp. 07032554633

How to Succeed in Snail farming bu business siness in Nigeria.

Giant Africa Land Snails is one of the most delicious and most nutritious meat in the world. The soft, delicious and mouth watering Snailecious, peppered snail, snail peppersoup, Snail suya, snail in Efo riro, Snail in Egusi soup, to mention a few, always leaves you with a lifetime memory of snail delicacies  Infact, nutritionist and Dietitian that worked on proximate and mineral constitute of snail meat obtained an interesting results that snail meat is loaded with plenty bionutrients. The  edible  portion  has the following nutritional value  88.37%  protein,  calcium,  magnesium,  zinc,  iron,  with  very  low  fat content ( Aboua,  F.,  1995) Its  protein  contains  all  the  essential  amino  acids  such  as  lysine,  leucine,  isoleucine  and phenylalanine  which  are  needed  by  the  body  for  it...

Snail farming is Profitable

Good day everyone, I want to talk about snail farming with great minds like you and the endless opportunities of making money, If you really want to make it big, you have to embark on snail farming. With at least 100k, you can start small scale commercial snail farming that will definitely change your life story. We have different species of snails, the Achatina Achatina [AA] and Achatina Maginata [AM] are the most reared in Africa. AM lays 50 eggs with low mortality rate and most rugged while AA can lay up to 200 eggs with high mortality rate. Imagine when you have about 500 snails and each produces up to 200 -400 baby snails and snails lay several batches of eggs in a year. In two years, you will have nothing less than 1 million snails. If you decide to sell it for example as low as let's say #20 /snail [baby Snails] that means you will smile to the bank with millions of naira.  The good news is that snail is very costly in Nigeria because of it's meat with high protein,fibre...

Snail farming. A profitable Business Venture.

Snail meat is one of the most popular delicacies in Nigeria & also has a high exporting value abroad especially in the UK. A colleague of mine started this business after she narrated to me how she bought 3 matured snails to eat for a whooping amount of 10 pounds (almost 5000 naira) in a market in the UK. This high demand of snails especially in the UK has given us (Éternel farms) and other serious Snail farmers an automatic market to sell our matured snails. The importance of snail meat cannot be over emphasised as it contains all essential amino-acids such as lysine, methionine,etc. And also contains low fat content and low cholesterol levels which makes it a good antidote for fat related diseases such as hypertension, etc.                 ECONOMIES OF SNAIL PRODUCTION * Snail farming amongst other Agricultural practices requires less capital & space * Snail feed is one of the cheapest & it can be locally sourced, making it poss...
Contact us for your Snail Farm set up, Consultancy services and proper monitoring of your snail Farm. We also help you to market your snail both locally and internationally. We produce snail feeds suitable for your snails that makes then grow within a 8 month. Try us today and you will never regret doing business with us. Call 07032554633 for more information. Thank you.

How to Succeed in Snail farming business in Nigeria.

Giant Africa Land Snails is one of the most delicious and most nutritious meat in the world. The soft, delicious and mouth watering Snailecious, peppered snail, snail peppersoup, Snail suya, snail in Efo riro, Snail in Egusi soup, to mention a few, always leaves you with a lifetime memory of snail delicacies  Infact, nutritionist and Dietitian that worked on proximate and mineral constitute of snail meat obtained an interesting results that snail meat is loaded with plenty bionutrients. The  edible  portion  has the following nutritional value  88.37%  protein,  calcium,  magnesium,  zinc,  iron,  with  very  low  fat content ( Aboua,  F.,  1995) Its  protein  contains  all  the  essential  amino  acids  such  as  lysine,  leucine,  isoleucine  and phenylalanine  which  are  needed  by  the  body  for  i...