
Showing posts from July, 2020

Think wisely

Every successful person is a thinker, as thinking is the principal tool for planning. Every tower builder must first be a thinker. Every star is a thinker. Sit down and plan your life! Think Snail farming Today. Call us for Supply of Snails in Large Quantity.  At Mikky Snail farms, We lead others Follow. Call or Whatsapp 07032554633


Snails have many enemies. These include termites, soldier ants, frogs, toads, rats, snail eating birds, lizards, and larvae of some beetles. Common salt is also poisonous to snails. Over crowding is a serious cause of mortality in snail pens. When too many snails are crowded in a pen, they produce undesirable secretion which is observed to reduce their productivity.  To remedy these; *Examine the pen fence regularly and mend any openings. *Use materials that keep out pests from your fence. *Maintain the right stocking density in you pen. *Keep away poisonous chemicals like common salt. Better profit for all Snail Farmers.  For more details or enquiry don't hesitate to call or Whatsapp. 07032554633