How to Succeed in Snail farming bu business siness in Nigeria.
Giant Africa Land Snails is one of the most delicious and most nutritious meat in the world. The soft, delicious and mouth watering Snailecious, peppered snail, snail peppersoup, Snail suya, snail in Efo riro, Snail in Egusi soup, to mention a few, always leaves you with a lifetime memory of snail delicacies Infact, nutritionist and Dietitian that worked on proximate and mineral constitute of snail meat obtained an interesting results that snail meat is loaded with plenty bionutrients. The edible portion has the following nutritional value 88.37% protein, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, with very low fat content ( Aboua, F., 1995) Its protein contains all the essential amino acids such as lysine, leucine, isoleucine and phenylalanine which are needed by the body for it...